Privacy APP users

When am I considered an end user?

You are an end user if you use (one of) our app(s).

What information do we use?

We use the information you provide in the app on the registration screen:

  • Your email address

  • Your full name

  • Your company name

What do we use that for?

The information is used in a report which details who scanned which watermark when; this report is used to optimize our services (by analyzing usage patterns), to conduct contract negotiations with our customers and to be given into evidence in legal proceedings.

Whom do we share that information with?

We share the report with our customers; specifically the customer to which the app belongs or the customer to which the scanned watermark belongs (in the case of shared apps).

Our customers use this information for

  • statistical analysis regarding the usage of their app or the popularity of their products

  • to be given into evidence in legal proceedings

What are my rights under the GDPR?

Right to view privacy sensitive data stored

Registered end users can request which privacy sensitive data we have on record for them.

Such a request must be made by email to from the email address they are requesting data for (to ensure users do not request data from other users).

A response from a FiliGrade email address will normally be sent within 10 working days with the requested information (if any).

All requests of this nature are recorded in the privacy log.

Right to request correction of incorrect privacy sensitive data

Registered end users can request a correction of privacy sensitive data we have on record for them. For registrations with Public Apps these requests are always honored. For registrations for Business Apps we reserve the right to refuse updates of the email address pending authorization of such requests by the customer owning the Business App (as they approve users by their email address).

Such a request must be made by email to from the email address currently linked to their information (to ensure users do not request change of data belonging to other users).

A response from a FiliGrade email address will normally be sent within 10 working days with the action that was taken.

All requests of this nature are recorded in the privacy log.

Right to request removal of privacy sensitive data

Registered end users can request removal of privacy sensitive data we have on record for them.

For registrations of Business Apps this automatically means they lose access to these Business Apps as these cannot be used without registration.

Note that usage data is not removed as part of the request as without the corresponding registration data this does not constitute privacy sensitive data.

Such a request must be made by email to from the email address currently linked to their information (to ensure users do not request removal of data belonging to other users).

A response from a FiliGrade email address will normally be sent within 10 working days with the action that was taken.

All requests of this nature are recorded in the privacy log.

Right to request export of privacy sensitive data

As we store only email address, full name and company name and all of these are provided initially by the user during registration we believe it is reasonable to state that manually re-entering this information in another system is by far simpler and faster than exporting and importing of this data. Hence no specialized export function is available.

Note that users can request what information we have of them on record which will be sent via email (which can also be considered an export).